the free online Handball management game.

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The bests
US OROK BAT HAN...175.85 Pts
Team Ikul173.5 Pts
Green Team165.1 Pts
Branleur HC164.09 Pts
H.C. Cathare163.61 Pts
Teams classification :
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1)      x3US OROK BAT HANDmikalakSUPER ELITE175.8588.792 jours
2)    Team IkulikulSUPER ELITE173.571.31 jours
3)    Green TeamflanaganSUPER ELITE165.1107.271 jours
4)      x7Branleur HCS57DSUPER ELITE164.09102.223 jours
5)    floride teamflorideSUPER ELITE163.6172.241 jours
6)    H.C. CathareDorianSUPER ELITE163.61113.11 jours
7)    Toulouse Hand ClubKarabat13ELITE163.56110.31 jours
8)    mikmshmikmucSUPER ELITE159.7653.342 jours
9)    Rennes H.CLiaoqun102SUPER ELITE157.6779.733 jours
10)  KIELsof3125ELITE157.583.681 jours
11)  KLINGONGRCbebert91SUPER ELITE157.2161.732 jours
12)  Avord handballClem58SUPER ELITE155.47118.412 jours
13)  Are AvalanchesabeltasmanSUPER ELITE152.6680.031 jours
14)  hbc denre 79denre79ELITE151.5787.333 jours
15)  Toulouse HBstan3169ELITE151.4793.621 jours
16)    Dômes AuvergnePiedroSUPER ELITE150.8180.281 jours
17)  WillouteamWillou06ELITE146.78101.353 jours
18)  Les charlotsMATTELITE146.5276.135 jours
19)    x3Les BarjotsfabpinSUPER ELITE141.802 jours
20)  espriteammaestroELITE141.4956.651 jours